Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What happens in Vages

What happens in vages, is a funny movie with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher . Its About a girl who just got dumped by her fionce at a suprise party, and a guy just got fired by his dad. They both lived in the same town, but were complete strangers. Until they both plan a trip to vages with there friends. they ended up haveing the same hotel room, and the movie takes off from there.
They ended up getting married, not being the right state of mind. When the girl wakes up, she realizes what happens. She got married, and she starts talking to her friend about. she wanted to divorce him, while the guy and his friend are waiting at breakfest talking about divorcing her.They go and talk and end up getting into an argument, and the girl ends up winning the jackpot with her quater. They got back into town and try to get the divorce and the judge makes them try to work it out for six months. They both dont want to do itbut they will do whatever it takes for there share of the money. The whole six months they are doing little things to get the other in trouble, or just to get back at one another. They start to get along, and start to actually like eachother.But the girl finds out one of the pranks he pulled and she gets upset, and divorces him when the time is up. He didnt want to lose her so he goes after her.

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