Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Basketball Diaries

I had seen this movie on tv the other week. I honestly dont know really what to say about this movie, but it has a good story. It's sad what goes on in some people life, but you really are the only person who can control what happens.

This movie is about a boy named Jim, He is on a high school basketball team, and they are undefeatable. Jim wants to be a basketball star. Untill heroin gets in his system. Its not just him its his friends too. During one basketball game they were doped up, and they could hardly play. Jim gets into a situation and he has to shoot, and he couldnt make it. The principle and couch found out what they were on and what they have been doing.They kick the kids off the team, and they can never play again. But they didnt kick Jim off because he quit.

When Jim gets home that night his mother ends up kicking him out, he really has no decent place to go. He didnt care, he got deeper into heroin. A few nights later he and his friends broke into a shop, well on guy couldnt even think stright. the cops came and jim and one of his buddys ditched the guy. it didnt effect them much, they did some more heroin. It was a snowy night, and Jim had fallen asleep outside on the ground in the snow. This older guy Reggae saves him, he picks up off the ground and takes him to his house, He would not put up with what Jim was doing. He would not let him leave the house. Although Jim was really dope sick, going through hell. Reggae was tough and stuck through, through all the screaming and stuff coming from Jim.

Reggae had to leave one night, and told jim not to leave. Well Jim left, him and a friend got some money and tried to find some heroin. it didnt work out as planned, and jims friend ended killing someone. Jim ran home to his mom and started to beg for money and to come in. I bet it was the hardest thing his mom had to do but she said no, he wouldnt leave so she called the cops and said someone was trying to break in and he has a weapon. well he gets arrested, and when he gets out he is a whole different person. He ven turns out some "good" stuff. It actually is kind of an inspiring story, what drugs can do to you, and life. and how some people can recover.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm any movie with Leonardo Dicaprio must be good haha. I'll look into it.
