Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Thirteen is about a young, named tracy. Tracy is not very popular at all, infact she desperly wants to be in the popular crowd. She had perfect grades, a few good, but nerdy friends as well. Her mom i want to say was like her best friend though. The person she was at the beginning of the movie, is the kind of person who can make something amazing out of her self. But when she gets the idea to change her looks to get Evie to notice her, thats when she had went downhill.
Tracy is the girl with the blonde hair, and Evie is the girl with the darker hair. Well Tracy and Evie had become like bestfriends. Tracy could not believe it, he dreams came true. First it started with her clothes, they went from innocent and non-revealing, to showing alot more skin. Then it went to lieing to her mom, stealing, and peircings. Evantually She starts skipping class, and hanging out with boys, and even cutting herself.
Her family did not like it, they thought Tracy was out of control. Even though Tracys brother was not the good boy type, he did not want his sister to be like that. Tracys mom, had got a new boyfriend, and thats also a problem of tracys. While tracys mom wants to send her to her dads, and get a break between tracy and evie, it does not work out like she thought. Later in the movie though tracy and evie do get in a little fight, which brings all thr secrets out between the girl and thier parents.
I liked this movie, i thought it had a very good perspective. But i doubt this would be a thirteen year old, they could of maybe shot for like 15, or 16. They showed a good story on a girl growing up, Wanting to be popular and when it happens just looses control.

1 comment:

  1. saw this movie awhile back. It was disturbing to watch her morph into this person she wasn't. But it makes you think about how much people take effect in your life and change who you are.
