Friday, May 27, 2011

Interview with Mr. Metcalf

I went to STMA and interviewed mr. Metcalf about Plotting, and what it takes to make a video.

1. What is the amount of time it takes to make a video?
Mr. Metcalf: It is not as easy at it looks; you have to deal with the equitment, and you have to do the editing, and put it together.
2. How do you catch peoples attention?
Mr. Metcalf: A million different ways; every video should have a memorible moment from the music you choose or the epic shots.
3. The courses someone has to take to be involved in video production?
Mr. Metcalf: Broadcasting Journalism; were you learn how to use the camera, the equitment, and the software.
4. How much time does it take to make a video?
Mr. Metcalf: Depends on the video; anywhere from one hour and up.The less time you take on the video, the more it looks rushed.
5. What had gotten you interested in this area?
Mr. Metcalf: My parents were in theater, and directing. It pretty much comes natural.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express is all about this guy named Dale, oh goes to Saul to get some *stuff* and dale gets into a suituation where he sees a shooting, and the cops find the rare stuff. dale goes and gets saul and goes on the run.
On there run, they actually go on quite a journey. They get into trouble with a cop then steals the cops car. Saul end up getting took by the *bad guys* who were involved with the murder dale saw. Dale goes and gets Red to go and save Saul. They had quite a night.

Step brothers

Two forty year old guys dale lives with his dad, and brennan lives with his mom. There parents meet, andd decide to get maried. The two boys did not like that at all, and then they all have to share one house.
They dont get along, they argue and fight. But after one night when brennon brother came with his wife and kids, they become bestfriends. They go and look for jobs together, and make bunk beds, and all that fun stuff.
well later in the movies they want to make a video, and they do it on their dads boat. it does not turn out to good, and they parents get divorced. the boys do not want the house to get sold, so they do whatever it takes. Brennon finally gets a job with his brother, and the two boys the mom and the dad meet up later at brennons olders brother work reception. Everything starts to go back together. it took two boys to ruin the picture, but it took two brothers to fix it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Basketball Diaries

I had seen this movie on tv the other week. I honestly dont know really what to say about this movie, but it has a good story. It's sad what goes on in some people life, but you really are the only person who can control what happens.

This movie is about a boy named Jim, He is on a high school basketball team, and they are undefeatable. Jim wants to be a basketball star. Untill heroin gets in his system. Its not just him its his friends too. During one basketball game they were doped up, and they could hardly play. Jim gets into a situation and he has to shoot, and he couldnt make it. The principle and couch found out what they were on and what they have been doing.They kick the kids off the team, and they can never play again. But they didnt kick Jim off because he quit.

When Jim gets home that night his mother ends up kicking him out, he really has no decent place to go. He didnt care, he got deeper into heroin. A few nights later he and his friends broke into a shop, well on guy couldnt even think stright. the cops came and jim and one of his buddys ditched the guy. it didnt effect them much, they did some more heroin. It was a snowy night, and Jim had fallen asleep outside on the ground in the snow. This older guy Reggae saves him, he picks up off the ground and takes him to his house, He would not put up with what Jim was doing. He would not let him leave the house. Although Jim was really dope sick, going through hell. Reggae was tough and stuck through, through all the screaming and stuff coming from Jim.

Reggae had to leave one night, and told jim not to leave. Well Jim left, him and a friend got some money and tried to find some heroin. it didnt work out as planned, and jims friend ended killing someone. Jim ran home to his mom and started to beg for money and to come in. I bet it was the hardest thing his mom had to do but she said no, he wouldnt leave so she called the cops and said someone was trying to break in and he has a weapon. well he gets arrested, and when he gets out he is a whole different person. He ven turns out some "good" stuff. It actually is kind of an inspiring story, what drugs can do to you, and life. and how some people can recover.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What happens in Vages

What happens in vages, is a funny movie with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher . Its About a girl who just got dumped by her fionce at a suprise party, and a guy just got fired by his dad. They both lived in the same town, but were complete strangers. Until they both plan a trip to vages with there friends. they ended up haveing the same hotel room, and the movie takes off from there.
They ended up getting married, not being the right state of mind. When the girl wakes up, she realizes what happens. She got married, and she starts talking to her friend about. she wanted to divorce him, while the guy and his friend are waiting at breakfest talking about divorcing her.They go and talk and end up getting into an argument, and the girl ends up winning the jackpot with her quater. They got back into town and try to get the divorce and the judge makes them try to work it out for six months. They both dont want to do itbut they will do whatever it takes for there share of the money. The whole six months they are doing little things to get the other in trouble, or just to get back at one another. They start to get along, and start to actually like eachother.But the girl finds out one of the pranks he pulled and she gets upset, and divorces him when the time is up. He didnt want to lose her so he goes after her.